It was so great to share time with you all this morning, it was the perfect way to start the week!
Thank you again to all who were able to join for the first New Orleans College & Career Collaborative meeting for the Spring semester!
Please find the recording and presentation below. The Louisiana Educate & Tulane Summer Programs presentations are attached to this email.
NOCCC Meeting Presentation 1/25/2021
NOCCC Meeting Recording 1/25/2021
NPSI Conference
As a reminder, you are invited to join us free of charge for the NPSI Conference: Equity at the Practice Level. We have a few spaces left and would love to have you join us. If you are interested, please just reply to this email and I will follow up with registration instructions.
UAspire Professional Development Survey
Please do not forget to complete the Professional Development Survey. We will be partnering with UApsire to offer a few different workshops over the next several months. Please share your thoughts about the current course offerings and any information you want to make sure we cover during these sessions.
Pre-College Virtual Programs Fair
Tulane Pre-College Programs invites you to the Association for Pre-College Program Directors’ 2021 Summer Pre-College Program Fairs, a series of virtual events that provide students, families, and education professionals the opportunity to learn about academic summer programs at top US college and universities. Tulane will have representatives at the fair on February 3rd, 2021 from 7 PM – 9 PM EST.
At each fair, attendees may:
Visit virtual booths, where you can ask questions via text or video chat with summer program representatives.
View helpful webinars on how to choose a summer program, how to strengthen your application, and how to make the most out of your summer program experience.
Registration is FREE to attendees. You can visit the Virtual Fairs website for complete information on dates, times, and which institutions will be represented at each event. We also encourage you to check out, where you can search participating programs by grade level, academic interests, financial aid, and more.
Teaching Academic Survival and Success Conference
Registration is open for the Virtual Asynchronous TASS Conference (March 1-14, 2021).
31st Annual Teaching Academic Survival and Success Conference
March 1-14, 2021 (Virtual Asynchronous Conference)
Registration is Open
Today, more than ever, we are focused on the goal of helping our students, especially underprepared and underrepresented, survive and succeed despite exceptional difficulties. We must deal with historically unprecedented challenges in education, and we also strategize for the future.
TASS Executive Board has made the decision to hold our 2021 conference in virtual/asynchronous format in March 2021, thus keeping our attendees safe and healthy and, at the same time, providing an opportunity for a productive professional convention.
Attendees will have to register online, and there will be NO REGISTRATION FEE for TASS-2021. The Virtual Asynchronous Conference 2021 webpage will be available March 1-14 to all registered participants, free of charge.
We hope that you will join us for the 31st Annual TASS Conference!
Mission of TASS: Voice of the Practitioner
This is a conference for the serious practitioner who is passionate about helping all students, especially those who are underprepared or underrepresented, to survive and thrive in college and beyond.
This conference offers a holistic approach to academic survival from the points of view of college faculty, learning assistance, and student support professionals, administrators, and high school teachers. This is the forum where they share lessons learned from evidence-based decisions and real experiences in the classroom, as well as tutoring, mentoring, advising, or counseling sessions.
It is for faculty, teaching student success courses and General Education courses in a variety of disciplines, who want to demonstrate and adopt effective, inclusive pedagogical methods that help students of diverse backgrounds learn.
It is for tutors, mentors, student success coaches, navigators, counselors, and advisors who share and learn from other's best strategies in building our students’ academic and life skills.
At a time when there is rightly a growing focus on college completion, not just access, TASS is for administrators who want to share and learn new successful initiatives enhancing student engagement, retention, and graduation rates.
This conference is for reformers who feel an urgency to meet students where they are and give them the experiences, they need to grow and succeed.
TASS offers networking opportunities to meet new, like-minded professionals, from all over the country in small settings where substantial discussions occur, and friendships are made.