The National Post Secondary Institute has offered The Cowen Institute and our collaborative members a limited number of free registrations for their upcoming conference, National Post-Secondary Institute Annual Conference: Equity at the Practice Level.
The conference, held virtually, will be March 2 - 5, 2021.
During this virtual conference attendees will:
· Participate in interactive sessions on school counseling, data, leadership practices, rural strategies, Career and Technical Education, equity, and much more!
· Engage with other attendees in similar roles (role alike sessions).
· Engage in cross-organization discussions (cross-team conversations) .
· Have dedicated time for planning activities with your team (if attending as a team) .
· Enjoy the flexibility to build your own schedule.
We are underscoring equity for students in all our sessions. Build your own schedule of interactive sessions on:
• K-12 & Higher Education Partnerships
• School Counselor Engagement
• Workforce Development
• Leadership Frameworks
• Data Strategy
• Rural Strategies
• Teaching and Learning
If you are interested in attending please let me know by Wednesday, January 13th, 2021, and I will follow up with registration instructions.